Monday, January 18, 2010

Reflection #1

What: The idea of using technology in the classroom is both exciting and intimidating.

So What: On the one hand, it will be a great resource for allowing kids to be more engaged in class, which will hopefully enhance their learning experience. On the other hand, it's intimidating to try and think of a variety of ways to implement technology successfully.

Now What: Thankfully, I'm sure this class will provide a variety of resources to help generate ideas. Not only will the materials covered in class be a helpful resource, but it will also be helpful to bounce ideas off of other people in the class.

After reading the two articles provided by the class thus far, my desire to become a technologically savvy teacher has increased so that learning can be effective and engaging, as opposed to many of the outdated and irrelevant tactics described by the articles.

The field of technology is extremely vast, so I'm sure there won't be a shortage of areas to explore and experience. I hope that this class will help to give direction so that I can narrow down what will be effective and helpful to use.

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